I recently had the pleasure of attending a Glamping Wellness Adventure Retreat at Whispering Springs in Grafton Ontario. While we were there we learned about the importance of creating and maintaining an alkaline terrain in the body to promote a health and ward off illness and disease. Our mornings started off with this delicious alkaline green smoothie for breakfast. If you want increased energy and beautiful glowing skin this is a great place to start. Small, gradual changes lead to great results and increased health and wellness.
Mix all ingredients in a heavy duty blender. Serves 3
1 Cup Green Spinach
1 Cucumber (Peeled)
1 Avocado
1 lemon (peeled)
1 Cup water
Approx 10 ice cubes
optional Stevia or mint to sweeten/taste
What if I don’t have any avocado will it still be ok. I’m quarantined and can’t get to store.
Omitting the avocado will be just fine. It just adds some healthy fats to the smoothie.